Monday, December 30, 2013


A. good morning @3211; 3-4; rest 2-3mins x 4
B. emom - segment snatch DL pause 1" off ground/knee/hip all pauses 3sec - 8mins

8mins 85% effort
Row 150m
10 KBS 2pd
10 goblet squats 2pd 

4 rounds

rest 5mins 
8mins 85% effort
30 DU
A- bike 3cals

6 Rounds + 30

rest 5mins 
8mins 85% effort
7 burpee jump over box
7 PS 75#
10 walking lunges 

4 rounds + 9
Z1 Row 6k easy pace 


Saturday, December 28, 2013

12/28/13 Sa-turd-day

9am - fasting

Row 500m 1:51/500m pace
rest 2min x 8 rest 4mins after 4th row 


A. Sn DL x 1/Sn Pull x 1/PS x 1; rest 2-3mins x 6 - work on mechanics

stayed light, worked in mechanics

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
burpee chin up
db clean and jerk heavy

2:45 -  used 165# BB (saved wrist)

4sets 80-90% effort
AD 30cals
20 T2B
15 burpee jump touch 6" target above reach
12 db thruster tough
5 MU
rest 5mins
switch the order of the movements each set record times for all of them

used 45#h DB for thruster

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


5/1 x 3 warm-up (15 min)

5 sets:
OHS from rack - 5 reps - add per set - tempo @ 22X1
rest 10 sec
15 unbroken WB's - 20# to 11ft
rest 10 sec
15 unbroken CTB chin ups
REST walk 2:30 b/t sets
Subbed - Front Squat 205#
Everything unbroken - worked on breathing
rest as needed (rested 10 min)
for time:
10 barbell back lunges - 135# - bar from ground
3 RC - 15'
10 barbell back lunges - 135# - bar from ground
2 RC - 15'
10 barbell back lunges - 135# - bar from ground
1 RC - 15'
10 barbell back lunges - 135# - bar from ground

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Final Post - Cali here I come!

A. build to a max clean start at 165# build 20# per min

Went to 265. Stayed safe for last wod.


5 rounds for time
7 PC 135#
10 ring dips


Friday, July 19, 2013

FRIDAY 7-19-13

12 noon
AD 2min max cals  (96)
rest 1min
2 min max DU   (179)
score is cals + DU 


one time through

emom - 18mins
min 1 - 3 rope climbs
min 2 - 12 swings 2pd
min 3 - 8-10 HSPU 

Good WOD - went strict on HSPU

Thursday, July 18, 2013

NOW it is real.

6 rounds for time
Run 200m
5 burpee
5 Bar MU 

9:23 (hot and humid - unbroken everything. Transition from out to in a little slow)

3 PM
A. build to a 2rm snatch in 15mins

185 x 2

for time:
25 wall ball 20# 10' target
25 DU
Row 25 cals
25 shoulder to over head 95#
Row 25cals
25 DU
25 wall ball 


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Here we go!

8min amrap
3 DL 275#
bear crawl 20ft
10 T2B
30 DU 

7 rounds +3

Monday, July 15, 2013

Days away...

815 AM
Row 2k for time
7:12.2 PR

230 PM
A. PCx1/SJx1 build to a max start at 185# add 10# every 90sec
Rt knee bothering me on Jerks. Need to try left foot out front.
185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255 (clean only), 265 (clean only)

rest as needed

for time:
1 rope climb
5 clean and jerks 145#
2 rope climbs
4 clean and jerks 155#
3 rope climbs
3 clean and jerks 165#
4 rope climbs
2 clean and jerks 175#
5 rope climbs
1 clean and jerk 185#
Run 400m
6:31 to here. Spaced on the run.

Went out and did a full sprint 400m about a minute late.


Saturday, July 13, 2013


20 min warm-up
10 min wu complex

3 rm TnG squat clean gauntlet - start @ 165# add 10# every min
165, 175,185, 205, 215, 225

rest as needed

10-1 for time
PC 115#
burpee over the bar


Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday 7/12/13

50, 40, 30, 20 for time
AD cals
unbroken DU 

6:18 (tripped up on first set of 50)

for max reps
2min max kbs 1.5pd
rest 10sec
3min max rope climbs
rest 10sec
2min max HSPU

63   KBS
9     RC
32   HSPU (That's all? Did I miscount?)

Holy grip on RC after KBS (went unbroken to 50 at 1:30)

Thursday, July 11, 2013



3 rounds for time and reps
Run 400m
max rep unbroken bar MU

8:31  - 36 unbroken (12,12,12)

build to a 3rm snatch in 12mins


rest as needed

for time
100 DU
30 wall ball 20# 10' target
20 box jump on and overs 24"
10 S20 135#
20 box jump on and overs 24"
30 wall ball 20# 10' target
50 cals on rower

9:42 or 9:22. Cant remember.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

7/9/13 HOT!

330pm - about 110 degrees. Nice and sunny
4 rounds for time
FW 2pd/hand 50m  (used 100# ea hand e/o round)
100m prowler push 100#

Monday, July 8, 2013

14 days! Monday July 8th

AD 2min max cals 
rest 10mins 
AD 2min max cals 
99 cal
99 cal

A. clean x1/FSx1/Jk x1 - emom gauntlet - every min add 10# start at 185#

Climbed to 245. Lost my grip and almost missed the jerk. Collar bone is jacked.
rest as needed 

for time:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 clean and jerk 155# 
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rope climb 
400m run 

5 total round first round is 1 cj and 5 rope climbs + 400m run second is 2 cj + 4 rc + 400m ...

15:13 - Hot as sh*% at 3pm (110 degrees and DRY)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

PR Day 7-6-13

A. built to a max clean gauntlet style start @185 increase by 10# every min 
295 PR. Went for 300 after and missed.
rest as needed 

21, 15, 9 for time 
135# clean 
ring dip 
4:18 PR

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5th...

5 rounds for time 
AD 20cals 
DU 30 unbroken 
4:57 (tripped up on 2nd RD of DU's, started over)

for time: 
50 HSPU 
15 rope climbs 
65 KBS 2pd

(50 HSPU's in 1:57)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July

7:15am / 95 degrees

20 min warm-up
10 min Skill work


3 rounds for time
8 PS 115#
6 bar MU  (did 7 -wanted to compare to old score / Games 2012)
Run 400m

8:49 PR (10:08 old)


15 min warm-up
8 min skill

A. Snatch build to a 2rm in 15mins

185 2-rep touch and go

rest as needed

4 min ad/du hr 90%

for time:
Row 500m
60 Wall ball 20# 10' target
60 DU
60 75# S2O
60 jump on box and over 24"
Row 500m

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

20 days...

10 min AMRAP
PC 205# carry 25m in front rack 
10 DL same bar 
10 Burpee jump over bar 
PC same bar carry 25m back 
10 DL same bar 
10 Burpee jump over bar 
(continue for 10mins score is total reps of DL and burpee) 
115 REPS

Monday, July 1, 2013

Games in 21 Days

3k TT on Rower

A. clean x 1/jerk x 3 gauntlet every 90sec build by 20#
start weight 155# - 12 unbroken DU buy in each weight change

Build to 245 / 0 at 265
rest as needed 

10 Min rest
For time: 
10 Clean and jerk 185# 
1 rope climbs 
Run 400m 
6 Clean and jerk 185# 
3 rope climbs 
Run 400m 
2 clean and jerk 185# 
5 rope climbs 
Run 400m

112 degrees today.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday 6/29/13

AMRAP 15 min @ 50%:
Run 400m 
FLR 30sec on rings 
5 strict chin ups  
4 rounds
rest as needed
A. PS - build to a 3RM TnG in 12 min
rest 2 min
as many rounds in 10 min @ 90%:
Row 300m  
5 MU 
4 Rounds + 270 m row
rest as needed
21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6; for time - 100% effort
Push press 75# 
CTB chin ups 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Man Cave

5 rds NFT:
Run 200m 
5 burpee chinups 
30 DU unbroken 
A. Press - build to a 1RM in 6 min
rest 1 min
B. amrap DU's in 3 min
195# / 231 DU's
rest as needed

10min amrap 90% effort 
10 OHS 95# - weight goes up 10# per round - unbroken sets only
run 200m 
4 Rounds + 10 reps at 135

rest as needed
for time - 100%: 
50 squat cleans 95# 
50 burpee jump over the box 24" 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

6/27/13 Thursday!

3rnds NFT 
10 broad jumps 
10 box jumps 24" 
10 burpees 
10 DU 
A. PC - build to a tough single in 7 min
rest 1 min
B. amrap HPC - 80% of part A in 2:30
245 PC
195 x 13 reps
rest as needed

as many rounds in 10 min @ 80%:
5 wall climbs 
20 T2B 
30 DU  
3 rds + 20 reps
rest as needed
EMOM -  16 min
odd - CGBP @20X1 x 4-5  
even - KBS 2pd x 10  
CGBP = 205

rest as needed

Row 2k for time 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday 6/25

5rnds NFT 
30 unbroken DU 
AD 15cals 
bear crawl 20m  

emom - 20mins 
odd - Snatch pull x 3 
even - PCx1/PPx2/SJx2  
For time: 
DL 225 x 10 TnG 
10 burpee 
10 ring dip 
rest  2min x 3 
2:48 - 3:35
5:35 - 6:24
rest as needed 

Run 400m 90% effort 
rest walk 3min x 4   

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24th Monday

3 rnds NFT 
Run 800m 
HS walk 20ft 
3 MU 
A1. FS @30X1; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 20sec 
245, 255, 275, 305, 320 (pr)
A2. CTB chin ups; 15; rest 4mins 
12min 90% effort 
10 HR pushups 
2 MU 
10 wall balls 20# 10' target 
10 T2B 
6 + 4

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday June 23rd

AMRAP 15 min @ 80%:
Run 400m 
10 kbs 2pd 
15 abmat situps  
4 rounds + 300m
rest as needed
AMRAP 10 min @ 90%:
Row 200m 
3 unbroken MU 
5 rounds + 200m + 2 +1 + 2
rest as needed
AMRAP 5 min @ 100%:
10 pc 115# 
10 pc 135# 
10 pc 155# 
10 pc 185# 
10 pc 205# 
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 (none at 205)

Friday, June 21, 2013

20 min warm-up then:

5 rds NFT:
Run 200m 
HS walk 20ft 
1 rope climb 

21, 15, 9 for time: 
Power snatch 115# 
7:08 - not bad. Pulled something in my right forearm.

rest as needed
10min amrap 90% effort 
Row 150m 
15 back extenstions 
10 burpee 
5 rounds + 150 meters
rest as needed
10-1 for time: 
Thruster 95# 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday 6-20-13

3rnds NFT 
12 HSPU 
5 MU 
Row 500m 

as many rounds in 10 min @ 80%:
run 200m 
15 CTB chin ups 
20 walking lunges  
4 rounds + 50 m
rest as needed

EMOM -  14 min
odd - DL TnG x 5 - you choose build small per set perfect form 
even - 10 GHD situps 
DL 315
rest as needed

Row 500 m @ 90%
rest 90sec x 5 - each set same times 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday 6-18-13

New 30 min plus warm-up
5rnds NFT 
HS walk 30ft 
30 unbroken DU  
A1. PC TnG; 3; 155#; rest 45sec
A2. Close grip bench press; 3 70% of 1rm; rest 45sec x 8 
225# BP
For time: 
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for time 
DL 275# 

rest as needed 

Run 30sec 90% effort
rest walk 90sec x 8 
Hot but good

Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday 6-17--13

3 rnds NFT 
1 rope climb 
10 HSPU 
10 GHD situps 
10 back extensions 
Did strict HSPU's
A. emom - 20mins 
odd - BS @20X1 x 3 60% of 1rm (used 225)
even - 3 MU 
Went smooth. Using new MU style.
12min 90% effort 
Row 200m 
2 FS 225#  
bear crawl 20m (might have been 30m or so)
6 rounds + 100m row.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday 6-15-13

AMRAP 15 min @ 80%:
Run 400m 
10 burpee chinups 
10 PS 75# 
3+400m (could have been 4 rds. Went blank)
rest as needed
AMRAP 10 min @ 90%:
Row 200m 
1 rope climb 15' 
prowler push 30m grinder heavy 
4 rounds +50m row
rest as needed

AMRAP 5 min @ 100%:
20 DU 
5 PC and Jerk 135# 
2 MU 
4 rounds + 20 du's + 3 C&J

Friday, June 14, 2013

6-14-13 Friday

3 rds NFT:
run 800 m
15 CTB  chin ups 
15 GHD situps 
20:38 - Hot 4pm

30, 20, 10 for time: 
thruster 75# 
box jump 24"

rest as needed
10min amrap 90% effort 
Row 250m 
20 DU 
12 back extensions 

rest as needed
9, 7, 5 for time: 
Squat snatch 135# 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday 6-13-13

5 rds NFT:
10 T2B 
3 MU 
amrap unbroken DU 


as many rounds in 10 min @ 80%:
run 200m 
10 kbs - 88#
15 HR pushups 
rest as needed
EMOM -  12 min
odd - SC TnG tough x 3 - add as you go 
even - 12 ring dips 
135, 165, 165, 175, 175, 175
All unbroken RD
rest as needed

Row 500 m @ 90%
rest 90sec x 4 - each set same times 

Shot for 1:45 - could not hold

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday 6-11-13

5rnds NFT 
HS walk 30ft 
Yoke carry moderate weight 20m 
10 wall ball 20# 10' target 
A1. Clean pulls; 3; 110% 1rm; rest 30sec
A2. Close grip bench press; 4-5; rest 90sec x 5 
345 CP
205 CG BP
For time: 
30 DL 2xBW 
30 burpee over the bar 
6:38 @ 340#
rest as needed 

AD 30sec sprint 
rest 4min x 5 

Monday, June 10, 2013

6-10-13 Monday

3 rnds NFT 
7 strict chin ups 
10 HSPU 
10 squat to jump on box 24"
7 strict T2B 
A. emom - 20mins 
odd - squat clean 185# x 2 
even - CTB chin up x 10 
All unbroken PU. Went well.
12min 90% effort 
FW 2pd/hand 25m
5 burpee jump over box 30"
run 200m  
5 or 6 rounds. Lost track.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday June 9th

Came back to finish from Sat
as many rounds in 10 min @ 90%:
run 200 m
1 rope ascent - 15'
5 db thrusters - 45#/h
5 rounds + 50 m
Subbed 250m Row to save leg. Getting better.
rest as needed
as many rounnds in 5 min @ 100%:
20 DU's
5 burpees
5 PC - 115#
5 Rounds + 26

Sat 6-8th

15 min AMRAP @ 80%:
row 400 m
15 thrusters - 75#
15 kbs - 1.5 pd
15 BJ's - 24" step down

Leg bothering me. Did 4 rounds & called it a day.

6-7 Friday

3 rds NFT:
run 800 m
20 lunges
20 T2B
20+ min - leg from regionals bothering me.

21,18,15,12,9 rep rounds for time:
PP - 75#
goblet squat - 1.5 pd

rest as needed

5 rds for time:
AD 15 cals
15 ghd sit ups
SKIPPED (time)
rest as needed

5,4,3,2,1 rep rds for time:
Squat Clean - 195#

Thursday 6-6

5 rds NFT:
20m HS walk
2 rope ascent - 20'
amrap unbroken DU's
Did 3 rounds due to time
as many rounds in 10 min @ 80%:
run 0/10/20/30 m shuttle x 1
10 kbs - 88#
7 rounds (HOT)
rest as needed
EMOM -  12 min
odd - PC TnG tough x 3 - add small per set
even - 3 pHSPU kipping

Went well. Top wt was 205
rest as needed
Row 500 m @ 90%
rest 1 min x 4 - SAME TIMES per set!
Skipped. Ran out of time.

Monday - Wednesday June 3,4,5

Rest - Massage

Sunday June 2 - REGIONALS


Sat June 1 Regionals


Friday May 31st

2013 Regionals

13.1  - Jackie 7:03 (sucked)
13.2 - 225 OHS
13.3 - 27 burpee mu's in 7 min


Wednesday 5-29 (Travel Utah)

Hill sprints in Moab
:30 sec hill run, :30 sec walk

1:00 hill run
1:00 rest

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday May 28th

3 rnds NFT
50 DU
10 T2B
Went well
225 x 3 PR

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
315# DL
30"" box jump

3 min Max Burpee Mu's (easy pace)

:30 / :30 AD Sprints
210 cal

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Funday

75% effort 
row 300m 
2 rope climb 
row 300m 
21 30" box jumps 
row 300m 
10 160# walking lunges 
Build to a tough triple TnG DL Not 3rm no more than 5sets  
burpee MU practice 
10 in 2:00
6 in 1:00

HSPU skill work 
3 sets of Strict amraps

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday May 25th!

build to a heavy single Squat clean in 5sets
255 (missed 265)
225# squat clean 1.1.1. rest 1min x 3
Went well
5 rnds NFT
20 unbroken wall balls
10 unbroken CTB chin ups
5 pistol/leg
Row 500m just below jackie pace
20 45# thrusters
10 chinups
rest 3mins x 2

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday 5-24-13

for time: 
30 HSPU (did 50)
40 T2B 
3:02 (at 30 reps)
4:45 (took 1:43 for 20 more)
6:44 <1:43>
Added 15 lunges 165#
emom 8mins 
S2O 165# (no fat bar) x 4
Good - fast
emom - 5mins 
2 rope climbs 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5-22-13 Wednesday

10min AMRAP
70% effort
Row 300m jackie pace
3 DL 275#
3 burpee MU

4 rds + 85m

build to a tough 3rep OHS in 7mins same as regional
215 PR

row 1k jackie pace
20 DB snatches 70#
5:06 - 3:50 row UB on PS


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5-21-13 Tuesday

7 rounds
5 CTB chin ups
20 DU
4 pistols/leg
5 kipping HSPU
emom 10min
odd - 2 squat clean 225#
even - 2 rope climbs
Went well.
24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 10
wall balls unbroken sets for time:
AD 30sec 90% effort
rest walk 30sec x 8
190 cal

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday 5-19-13

Row 1min 95% effort
rest 2min x 3

Row 30sec 95% effort
rest walk 1min x 5

5 rds for time:
AD 20cals
10 KBS 2pd
10 135# front rack walking lunges
10 kipping HSPU
30 DU

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday May 18th

A. build to a 3rm TnG DL in 5sets
365 - slight tweek in back 2nd set.

EMOM - 12mins
odd - DL 315# x 5
even - Box jump 30" x 8


Row 500m jackie pace
20 thruster AFAP
10 chin up AFAP
rest 90sec x 3

#1 = 2:50
#2 = 2:53
#3 = 3:10 ouch.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday May 17th

A. build to a tough power snatch in 8mins  = 195
B. PS emom 80% of A - 2reps - 10mins      = 155
for time:
60 wall balls
60 CTB chin ups
60 pistol
60 DB snatch 70#


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 15th Wednesday

as many rds in 10 min @ 70%:
3 L -pull ups
6 Ring dips
12 Pistols
35 Unbroken DU's
5 rds


OHS - build to a 3RM off rack
rest as needed

30 burpee muscle ups
Did 20 in 5 min (saving shoulder)

rest as needed

row 1K jackie pace

rest 2 min

row 1K time trial

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday 5-14-13

5rds NFT:
10 kipping HSPU practice
2 rope climbs
10 front rack BB lunges - 95#

4 rds for time:
4 clean - 225#
walk 15 sec
2 rope climb - 15'
walk 15 sec

7 rds for time:
10 DL - 175#  
15 wall balls             

AD 30 sec @ 90%
walk rest 30 sec x 10
247 calories

Sunday, May 12, 2013

5-12 Sunday

event # 6
100 Double Unders                                                  1:00
50 Handstand Pushups                                            
40 Toe to Bar   
30 Shoulder to Overhead 165#                               
90 Ft of Lunges with 165# Bar - Front rack
19:27 - wow.

AD 30 min @ Z1

Saturday, May 11, 2013

5-11-13 Saturday

comp prep
for time:
100 WB's
80 CTB chin ups
60 pistols
60 DB snatch - 70#
23:15 (50# DB all I had for today, looking tough with a 25 min cap)

solid CNS warm up
A. DL - build to a tough 3RM TnG - 365 (PR is 395 x 3)
rest as needed

EMOM - 6 min
275# DL TNG x 5 odd
10 kipping HSPU's even
Went well. I can tell I have been resting HSPU's.

EMOM - 6 min
315# DL TnG x 6
8 BJ's game pace - 30"

Was this 14 reps EVERY MIN or EVEN / ODD?


Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday 5-10-13

Comp prep

7:25 used 20# DB to help wrist. Felt good.

OHS - 7 min build to a solid 3 RM, dont push it         195x3
rest 2 min
30 burpee muscle ups - Did 15 at modest tempo trying not to push my shoulder yet. 3:15

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday May 7th.

Took a rest day.

Monday 5-6-13


:30 / :30 x 6
Du's - 50 unbroken x2, then 6 sets of AMRAP 10m sprints (8-9 lengths ea :30)
Dynamic WU
A. BS - 3,3,3; rest 2 min - only last set tough triple  (225, 245, 265)
B. 1-10 unbroken CTB chin up ladder for time         (1:58)
C. BB upper back walking lunges - 10 tough steps; rest 60 sec x 3  (135, 185, 185)
10 DL 275# (2 sets unbroken, last set 4/6)
30 Du's (unbroken)

Rt shoulder pain from pu ladder

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5-5-13 Sunday


run based warm up to get hips open / + 5 min AD warm-up
A. split PS - build to a max 
175, 185, 190, missed 195, 190, missed 195, missed 195
B. PS x 1/OHS x 3 - 5 sets - go light based on wrist - feel it out
145, 165, 175, 185, 185
C. TGU - 30 not for time - 2pd - alt arms/rep
2 pd - went fine.
Skipped bar mu WOD. Rt should needs rest day. Still irritated.

5-4-13 Saturday

Coached and took a rest day.
Healing right shoulder from MU work this past week.
Internal rotation pain. Subscap? Lat?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday 5/3/13

RT Shoulder pain during internal rotation (MU's bother it and dips)
Did Saturday Row Programming instead
Row based warm up - work on 30-45 sec intervals on pace and breathing..
Row 500 m in 1:44
rest 2:30 x 9
(rest 5 min b/t sets 3/4 and 6/7)
Rest 5 min
Rest 5 Min
Getting better...

5-2-13 Thursday REST DAY

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

5/1/13 Wednesday

May 1st:
Row 30 sec @ 1:40/500 m
rest 30 sec x 8
Able to maintain 1:40 pace
rest 5 min
8 min @ 90%:
3 wall walks - changed to 3 - PHSPU (lt wrist pain & rt shoulder)
4 bar muscleups
8 pistols total
7 rounds - all unbroken

rest 5 min

row 30 sec @ 1:40/500 m
rest 30 sec x 8
1:41 Pace

rest 5 min

8 min @ 90%:
10 CTB chin ups
10 BJ's - 20" - step down
10 ring dips
4 rounds plus 22 reps - RT should pain with dips. (Posterior strain prior)

rest 5 min

row 30 sec @ 1:40/500 m
rest 30 sec x 8
Fell to a 1:43 pace

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4-30-13 Tuesday

Wrist is a 7-8. Rt shoulder / bicep tendon origin tender.
A. Snatch - build to a max Squat Snatch off high blocks  = 190   Missed 195 twice.
B. PS x 1/OHS x 3 - build to a tough triple                       = 175   Missed 185
for time:
10 squat snatch - 135#
30 T2B
10 squat snatch - 135#
20 T2B
10 squat snatch - 135#
10 T2B
Wrist bothering some
rest 15 min

Death by burpees - add 2 reps /minute to max burpees in a minute...i.e. 2,4,6,8...
Made it to 10 min (20 burpees)

Monday, April 29, 2013

4-29-13 MONDAY

A. Squat Clean and Jerk - build to a max
PR 270
B. Jerk off blocks - build to a max
C. 30 reps for time - CJ - 155# - PC and OH
Lt wrist is irritated today after this.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday 4/28/13 REST and TRAVEL day

Saturday 4-27-13

Saturday - MN
EMOM - 12 min odd - PS - 135# x 3 TnG even - 3 MU's unbroken
EMOM - 12 min odd - DL - 225# x 6 TnG even - 3 MU's unbroken
EMOM - 12 min odd - 15 wall balls unbroken even - row 100 m @ 95%

Went as planned. Good workout for traveling stress.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday - MN 5/26/13

A. Hang Power Clean - build to tough single = 245

B. PC EMOM - 185 X 3 X 10

30 T2B
15 DB TH 45#h
30 T2B
10 DB TH 110#
30 T2B


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4-24-13 WED

solid aerobic warm up - 20 min minimum - run practice, AD work, DU's, rowing...
for time @ 97%:
1K row
rest 15 min

3 rds for time @ max effort:
20 burpees - jump to touch 8" above max reach
35 DU's
rest 15 min

3 min for cals @ 97%:

120 cal

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday 4/23/13

run accels - 30-50 m flying start @ 80-90%
walk rest x 5
hurdle hops, work on bounding - few reps at a time
rest walk back x 3
A. Max Squat Snatch     205 PR
rest 2 min
B. 90% part A - amrap in 8 min squat snatch    Only 13 reps @ 185#
rest 5 min
C. 20 rope ascents for time - 20'                         9:27

Monday, April 22, 2013

4-22-13 MONDAY

Solid d-rom warm up
A. EMOM - Squat Clean x 2 - build to a tough TnG double  = 230
B1. FS - 77%1RM; 3 reps; rest 10 sec                                    = 245
B2. amrap CTB chin ups; rest 3 min x 5                               24,19,21,18,19
5 sets:
10 ghd sit ups    
10 back ext's         = 6:44
20 DU's
rest 30 sec

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Row 500 m in 1:42
rest 3 min x 10
(rest 10 min b/t sets 5 and 6)
- if you do not make 1:42, rest 5 min before next set, when you do, its 3 min)
1:44.9 (5:00)
1:45.0  (10:00)
1:43.4 (5:00)
1:45.2    (5:00)
1:45.0  (5:00)
1:45.7  (5:00)
Wow. Could not hold it even with more rest, pissed.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Friday April 19th:
3rds NFT:
2 rope ascents
10 pistols
30 m HS walk
30 DU's
Wrist felt better on HS walk
A. PS - 115# x 5 emom, odd, 1MU + 7 ring dips kipping even - 20 min
Went well, all unbroken TnG on PS
B. PC - 15,12,9,6,3 TnG 135# for time; unbroken, unbroken means resting on floor
F! Holy grip. Grip slipped and drop on 9's, (7+2) = 5:26 - not a great time, rested grip too long but needed it.
for time:
35 T2B
25 KBS - 2pd
30 wall balls
30 box jumps - 30" - step down
100 DU's
25 man makers - 35#/h
10:20 just to Man makers. Then an finished at 18:12. Man makers suck.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dynamic run based warm up
A. Max clean off high blocks   -   230# (missed 240) - off 16"
B. BS - 80% 1RM; 2 reps every 90 sec for 6 sets  (260#  x 6)
C. MU's - 4 unbroken emom - 8 min   (All unbroken completed)
D. Heavy Implement Lunges - 20 steps, change implement per set - 3 sets; pause at top each rep; rest as needed

20@88# KB
20@135# BB

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


5 rds NFT:
2 strict MU's
10 jump squats
20 DU's
Went well.
rest as needed

A. PS - build to a 3RM TnG = 155
B. emom - 20 min
odd - PS TnG - 125 x 4
even - paralette HSPU - 10" deficit kipping x 3 (better on wrist?)
Much better on wrist. Solid session
5 sets:
15 unbroken CTB chin ups
15 unbroken wall balls
30 DU's
rest 90 sec
Forgot to rest 90 sec between sets. Went unbroken on everything.
1st 1:22
2nd 3:34
3rd 6:00
4th 8:35
5th 10:50

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday 4/15/13

4/15/13 Monday:
10 min AD Z1
General dynamic
A. PC x 1/SJ x1 - build to a tough single - hit 245. Close to max.
B. FS - 5 sets of 3 @ 245; rest 2 min  - Felt decent. Rt knee has a little issue.
5 rds for time:
5 FS - 185# from ground
1 rope ascent - 20'
shuttle run - 0/10/20/30 m x 1
Shuttle run was a little longer (10+ meters just to get to where I could do the shuttle)
All FS went unbroken, rople climb was quick.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Funday

Sunday 4-13
3 rds not for time:
row 300 m
15 ghd situps
Nice warm-up. Careful on the HSPU's. Still have some wrist pain.

rest as needed

A. Max Clean off high blocks - build to a max  -  175, 195, 215 (lt wrist pain)
B. KB TGU - 3 sets of 5 tough ones/arm; rest 30 sec b/t arms  - 35, 44, 53 (LtWr)
Decent work here. Hesitant on the Clean hitting a max (should have been around 245) - and pulling off the high block is newer for me.
rest as needed
Row 500 m @ 90%
rest 2 min x 6 - goal is EXACT same pace per round, find it and stick it 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Rest Day - In Flagstaff all day for B.O.X. of Excellence with Ben B.

Friday, April 12, 2013

2 rope ascents
HS walk
50 DU's
10 pistols
Worked on efficient RC and adjusting my bad wrist during HS walk. DU's were unbroken, pistols unbroken. Knees felt ok.
rest as needed
A. PS x 1/OHS x 3 - build to a tough triple in the OHS with perfect form
B. FS - 6 sets of 3 @ 75% 1RM - rest as needed, shorter the better
PS + OHS =  165/175/185
Had to split snatch the 185. Need to get stronger.
FS = 6 sets at 235
5 rds - grinder pace, not hot:
prowler push - tough weight - 50 m
7 MU's
14:44 - MU's were done 4/3. Grinder pace on sled.
rest 5 min

3 rds for time:
20 chin ups
20 ring dips
50 DU's
9:44 - Arms were a little toasty after the Mu's. Dips were a challenge. CU were 20/10+10


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