13th AM A. good morning @3211; 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2-3mins (up to 205) B. HSC below knee 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; rest 2-3mins (145,195,205, 245) 245 was a little ugly, had more though + 8mins 80% effort 10 walking lunges 5 HSPU 5 PC 135# rest 5mins
11th AM Row 500m 1:51/500m pace rest 2min x 12 rest 5mins after 4th and 8th row
PM A. Sn grip DL x 1/snatch pull x 1/hang snatch pull x 1/PS x 1; rest 2mins x 5-6 (work contact with hips) 75-145 + 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1for time Bar MU PS 135# Wall walk (Sub x 2 deficit HSPU's) (6,4,2,6,4,2)
4:20 (2:00 split)
+ 3sets 80-90% effort Run 400m 20 wall balls 20# 10' target 20 chin ups 20 unbroken DU 20 PC 115# rest 3-4mins same pace for all sets 5:30 5:25 5:28
A. emom - back squat @20X1; 50%ish + bands x 2-3 - 10mins
255 #
B1. DB thruster 20reps you pick weight; rest 10sec B2. 3 unbroken MU; rest 10sec B3. 10 CTB chin ups; rest 2mins x 3 Smooth - all unbroken (Thruster 35# DB) 12mins 80-90% 10 DB 45# single arm overhead walking lunge right 10 T2B 10 DB 45# single arm overhead walking lunge left FW 50m 100#/hand
3rd A. emom - back squat @20X1; 50%ish + chains x 2-3 - 10mins No chains - used #185 each set B1. CTB chin up x 12; rest 5sec B2. 15 DB thrusters 50#/hand; rest 5sec B3. CTB chin up x 12; rest 3mins x 3 Went all unbroken sets 1:24 1:26 1:42 = 10:32 (mins 6 min for rest)
+ 12mins 80-90% 3 wall walks 10 double KB FR reverse lunge 2pd/hand 10 T2B 10 BB front rack walk lunge 155# 3 burpee MU