Sunday, June 15, 2014

6/15/14 - WOD for Jason

As you all know, I am fighting for my life and hoping that the current immunotherapy (Yervoy) aka Ipi, will help boost my immune system and kill the cancer. I just had my second dose this past week. It is not known if Ipi will cross the blood brain barrier or even work on the rest of my body. Statistics show it is not effective (10-20%) but we have to go with this for now. My biggest challenge is stopping brain tumors from returning, especially after this week with all the headaches I have had, some severe enough to force me to sleep an entire day away. I went in for an emergency MRI Thursday in hopes of being able to travel to Minnesota to see my family. MRI was CLEAR, but I was in no condition to fly. I ended up sleeping 18 hours instead.

WOD for Jason & Melanoma Awareness

This Saturday, June 21st my friends and family are hosing FUNdraiser along with 5 affiliates. CrossFit North Scottsdale, CrossFit Infinite Strength, Power in Motion CrossFit, Dela Fit, and WildFire CrossFit.

ABC 15, and Fox 10 are also helping bring awareness to the severity of Melanoma, importance of early detection and our event.

I invite you to come out and show support this Saturday June 21st.
For more information: please visit

Saturday June 21st - Wod Crawl for Jason & Melanoma Research

5 WODS, 1 Day, in 4 different locations.

Have fun meeting new athletes! See new CrossFit affiliates! All while raising money for Coach Jason's medical fund and awareness for melanoma cancer. This fundraiser is being held by his friends to bring the CrossFit Community together to raise money for one of your very own CrossFitters and his family and to bring awareness to the seriousness of melanoma cancer.

Jason Fine has devoted his life to the health and wellness of others. He has been coaching for 16 years, and is also the co-owner of CrossFit North Scottsdale. Jason was diagnosed May 23rd, 2014 with stage 4, malignant melanoma cancer in both his lymph nodes and brain. This is a very serious condition and he has already had intensive surgeries to remove tumors. 

For those who wish to participate, please register online with Eventbrite or contact CrossFit North Scottsdale directly at 480-512-1019.

Additional donations are accepted.

More details on the WOD CRAWL:

Scalable and FUN! Not a "serious" CrossFit event. This can be done by everyone!

Event Time line
7 AM final registration and packet pickup - Scottsdale Ranch Park (SRP)
7:30 first heats for WOD 1 in the park
8:15 AM - 9:45 AM WOD 2 at one of the assigned affiliates
9:45 AM - 11 AM WOD 3 at one of the assigned affiliates
11 AM - 12:30 WOD 4 at one of the assigned affiliates
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Final WOD #5. Return to SRP.
2:30 PM - 5 PM - Volleyball, BYOB Grilling and beer (we do have an alcohol permit)

Silent auction items.

Registration fee of $79 includes: event t-shirt (for first 100), 5 traveling WODS, post party with music, hot grills and fun!

100% of the proceeds go to Jason Fine's medical fund to help him battle stage 4 cancer.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 7 update of my Cancer War

We are in a holding pattern. I have completed my first dose of Yervoy and had a Gamma knife (radiation) procedure to the old tumor site in my brain. Symptoms are not too bad with either treatment (slight disorientation visually, headaches, and stomach upset some, but nothing that is too terrible at the moment. I am still working as much as I can and Erin and I are enjoying life .

Now we wait it out to see how aggressive my cancer is. My Dr. wants to measure how fast it is growing...if it is growing and where. Scary. We always hope for the best and will fight whatever my body does to itself. We want to remain NED (no existing disease) and have the Yervoy do its job on my immune system. Fight!

I am eating an alkaline based plant diet rich in antioxidants. I am supplementing some extra vitamin C & D along with turmeric and cannabis oil.  These have had good results as cancer cell growth inhibitors. Who knows but they cant hurt me.  

Until June 11th, my next treatment, our daily goal is to appreciate more and experience everything possible. It is a strange feeling to think "THIS COULD BE THE LAST TIME YOU DO THIS." I thought that while in Vegas this weekend with Erin. We did have a blast and loved every minute of being together.

P.S. - CrossFit North Scottsdale, CrossFit Infinite Strength & 1 other CrossFit Box to be named are holding a WOD CRAWL June 21st in my honor. More information will be posted ASAP!

Best to you and thank you for reading.
Much Love
Jason & Erin Fine


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