Where do we go from here?
Over the course of the past few months, we have been fitting in as much travel and personal time as humanly possible. From Rocky Point, California beaches, unbelievable seafood meals and just tons of laughs with our friends.
We moved the majority of our treatment care
! I had a scan done this past week to verify the radiation was working and track tumor progression. We discovered that the radiation
WAS working on 2 major spots BUT all the other tumors has considerable growth and there were MORE. MORE? Could we not just have stable or no new growth? I was decent at CrossFit, but MAN I AM GOOD AT GROWING TUMORS!
MY LEGS: As you know I have been limping. We discovered through MRI that it is bone cancer of some sort and will need radiation at minimum.
VISITORS: What a great week after launching Project Kindness & Free Hugs this past week. I had multiple offers to meet friends, family and new people I had never spoken to before but they were compelled to meet me. Thank you for coming all the way from Texas, California, Flagstaff, Tucson, Minnesota and Montana! LOVE YOU GUYS!
We are to finally able to post so positive in this WAR that might be going in our direction. and Melanoma has not consumed me. What cancer has not and will not ever take from me is my
SPIRIT & LOVE of helping others! My
DEEP LOVE for my wife, family and friends! And finally, find a way to make the
MOST out of everyday. This encompasses the entire
TUMOR PROGRESSION has been unbelievable! I had a scan done this past week to verify
IF the radiation was working and track tumor progression. We discovered that the radiation
WAS working on 2 major spots BUT all the other tumors has considerable growth and there were MORE. MORE? Could we not just have stable or no new growth? I was decent at CrossFit, but MAN I AM GOOD AT GROWING TUMORS!
MY LEGS: As you know I have been limping. We discovered through MRI that it is bone cancer of some sort and will need radiation at minimum.
VISITORS: What a great week after launching Project Kindness & Free Hugs this past week. I had multiple offers to meet friends, family and new people I had never spoken to before but they were compelled to meet me. Thank you for coming all the way from Texas, California, Flagstaff, Tucson, Minnesota and Montana! LOVE YOU GUYS!
Randy, Scott (Texas) & Jason |
Jason & Craig Howard (San Fran) |
Joel, Jason, Erin & Kathy (Flagstaff) |
Erin, Brian (Texas) & Jason |
Jason, Erin & Jennifer (Tucson, AZ) |
Wednesday Night Hump Day Happy Hour (Montana, Minnesota & all over!) |
Wednesday Night Hump Day Social: This has gone from 20-30 people hanging out at Goldies Bar to something much larger! Last week we switched and used CrossFit North Scottsdale after classes to host our party. We had over 150+ people come by (and this was by invite only!) to spend a couple hours with us and get a surprise. I am sorry if you did not get an invitation this week. We are working on doing something again as long as I hold up.
Raffle Items: Sounds strange but I raffled off some of my possessions this week. A few watches, a snowboard, jump ropes, t-shirts, Games shorts etc, you get the point. My idea was to give away anything my friends would want and allow them to have their voice heard if there was an item they REALLY wanted. Some were very excited and went hope with collectors gear. LOL. Made me laugh but I love you for wanting it.
"PROJECT KINDNESS" BRACELETES: I wanted something that said "Thank you". I wanted to give a piece of me that would live on. Something tangible. Something industrial.
Be Better...TODAY Bracelet's were born. I gave these out to my close friends on Wednesday night and hope to have more done ASAP.
These are EACH hand built by my friend I contracted on the east coast. She is working hard to get these done. I have had a TON of requests to purchase them and your wish is almost done also. We have a web site to launch where you will be able to purchase bracelets and t-shirts ASAP. THANK YOU for the tremendous support.
More are ready for pickup in Scottsdale.
Thank you so much for reading.
Much Love!
Jason & Erin Fine